Post Race Recovery
by Dr. Matt Fontaine Post Race Recovery: I will discuss why you need to hit the Athlete Post Race food tent and chow down. You need to replenish those glycogen stores and the body needs protein to start recovery. Don't forget...
by Dr. Matt Fontaine Post Race Recovery: I will discuss why you need to hit the Athlete Post Race food tent and chow down. You need to replenish those glycogen stores and the body needs protein to start recovery. Don't forget...
By Dr. Matt Fontaine [caption id="attachment_907" align="aligncenter" width="300"] IM Florida[/caption] It is important to know your strengths as well as your weakness. All athletes will have both, but some will have strengths that gravitate towards a certain discipline in a multisport like Triathlon. ...
by Dr. Matt Fontaine You are going to hurt, and hurt all over. What exactly does that mean? In a future article I will discuss soft tissue injuries and how they occur. They are often the result of repetitive motion and overtraining....
by Dr. Matt Fontaine This article will detail important supplements. The following is a short but essential list of supplements: magnesium glycinate, glutamine, a good B vitamin, essential fatty acids, vitamin B12. Why proper gut health and nutrition are critical in optimizing health and...
by Dr. Matt Fontaine What should you track and why? Triathletes love to track stats, like WATTS to measure power output on the bike, Heart Rate (HR), what HR zone you are training at ( zone 1- zone 5), LT, VO2Max. These...
"Adversity is preparation for greatness." ~ Andy Andrews If you are a runner and anything like the thousands of runners I have treated over the years, you have probably never heard a physician to tell you to "keep running". For most runners, running is as much...
I feel that picking a day a week to do some strength training would be best. Core should be done 3-4 days a week, RECOVERY/ REGEN daily if appropriate: foam roller/mobility. So I thought I would take you through the following: Mobility Warm...
Lumbar radicular symptoms can be caused by lumbar intervertabral disc herniations. If a disc injury is positively established through diagnostic imaging, surgery is a commonly recommended approach. Flexion/Distraction manipulation is a therapeutic alternative that may offer relief for subjective complaints and elimination of...
The answer is most definitely yes. Dr. Stuart McGill, one of the World's Leading Spinal Research Experts has stated that the number one way to herniate a disc is repeated lumbar flexion. This is exactly what is occurring every single sit-up and crunch. It is...
Strength coach Michael Boyle and Physical Therapist Gray Cook have written about the Joint by Joint Approach. There are principles of human movement dictated by biomechanics of the joints. All joints need full range of motion, and at the same time they require stability from surrounding...
Hi, this is Dr. Fontaine. I will be on sabbatical from practice for the next several months in order to rehab a shoulder injury and to launch my book, Only One Body. For all existing patients as well as new patients, I am recommending my colleague, Dr. Todd Sullivan. You will be in very good hands.
His office contact information is:
Dr. Todd P. Sullivan DC
5288 Lyngate Ct.
Burke, VA 22015
Schedule an appointment with Dr. Sullivan
Dr. Matt Fontaine’s Only One Body is a stark wake-up call: We are entrusted with ‘Only One Body,’ a truth too often forgotten. Emphasizing the need to understand and cherish this singular gift, he brings his extensive training from the prestigious Texas Back Institute and credentials from the American College of Sports Medicine to the fore. With a rich history both as a collegiate baseball player and a physician, he uniquely bridges the worlds of sports and health in a highly relatable way. Dr. Fontaine’s impressive tenure includes working with two Major League Baseball Clubs. Outside the clinic, he’s a dedicated triathlete, firefighter, and EMT. Navigating a challenging healthcare system, Dr. Fontaine equips us with the guidance and permission to self-advocate. His seminal book provides the roadmap to ensure our bodies and minds perform at their best, a testament to his commitment to holistic well-being.
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