
Ever wish you had been given an owner’s manual at birth? A book that would teach you how to properly care for, operate, and maintain the only body you’ll ever get? Only One Body is that book. Download Now...

Get to Know Your Body   Athletes know their bodies well.  Whether you are a runner, triathlete, CrossFit athlete, mixed martial arts fighter or combatives/tactical athlete, these tips are for you.   The biggest single key to completing a major athletic event like a marathon or full Ironman half...

The Right Approach to Treatment Implemented at the Right Time makes all the difference…   The Triad above depicts the three essential components to optimal health: Structural, Chemical, Emotional. Structure refers to our musculoskeletal system and will be the focus of this article. A major key to corrective...

COVID-19 READINESS UPDATE  synopsis by Dr. Matt Fontaine   How to stay calm and be prepared As we watch cases of the virus unfold and wait for data to be processed, uncertainty surrounds the health, economic and social impacts this crisis will create over the coming weeks and months. ...

COVID-19 READINESS   How to stay calm and be prepared   There has been a mass of information spreading around COVID-19, some science based, some not.  We want to help assist our patients to stay calm under chaos, yet take necessary action to be best prepared as you can...

Ease poor posture by setting up your computer properly. Computer-related posture is often a major culprit in generating neck and upper back pain, tension and headache. To avoid looking like the guy in the picture, better known as “Computer Guy” or Girl, review the PDF...

In the age of information, patients need to learn to leverage the readily available scores of internet articles in order to have a better dialogue with their doctor. In the age of WebMD and Google, the average American has more and faster access to medical and...

Dr. Google & Self Diagnosis: "Googling your symptoms is the fastest way to convincing yourself you are sicker than you really are.  It can be downright overwhelming."  -Dr. Matt Fontaine Are you putting your health at risk? In the age of WebMD, anyone can simply type symptoms into...

The following are some topics that frequently come up in our clinic. A quick note on over the phone consults or email inquiries We live in a world controlled by technology and people want their information faster.  Email and social media play a big role in...