November 2014

By Dr. Matt Fontaine   "If your overhead squat is full and looks really athletic, odds are that you have several things going for you, meaning good mobility of the ankles, hips and upper back and an exceptionally strong and stable core." - Dr. Matt Fontaine Why...

The following is taken from an article on   1.  Stress impairs your memory.  It slows down your processing.  This stress can slow you down mentally and physically, causing fatigue. 2.  Stress affects concentration.   High stress can negatively impact cognition, perception, and focus. 3.  Stress impairs...

  [caption id="attachment_1087" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Mobile & Stabile[/caption] The Modern Laboratory of Human Movement by Dr. Matt Fontaine    “All Athletes and Weekend Warriors Have One Thing In Common… Soft Tissue Injuries to muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves”.   Sports and training have the potential to wear us...