Performance & Recovery

UNDERSTANDING MUSCLE CRAMPS   MUSCLE CRAMPS Most commonly occur at night and affect the legs, especially the thighs, calf muscles, and feet. These kinds of cramps occur more frequently in older adults. PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE CRAMPS By far the most common causes of muscle cramping are dehydration and...

by Dr. Matt Fontaine   A human takes an average of 2000 steps to walk one mile.  That is a significant number of repetitive movements.  What happens if poor joint movement and muscle imbalance are causing you to bare weight unevenly?  These faults can cause overload and...

WHY YOU SHOULDN’T ALWAYS STRETCH? “After an injury tissues heal, but muscles learn, they readily develop habits of guarding that outlast the injury” Janet Travell Have you ever had a muscle group that was perpetually tight and despite all your efforts at stretching, they  remain stiff?  Muscles...

by Dr. Matt Fontaine   On almost a daily basis I am asked…”So Doc, Can I Safely Return to Exercising Now?”  Or "Can I still exercise while I am treating and recovering from my injury?" Here is how this conversation typically unfolds over the course of the first few...

The Right Approach to Treatment Implemented at the Right Time makes all the difference…   The Triad above depicts the three essential components to optimal health: Structural, Chemical, Emotional. Structure refers to our musculoskeletal system and will be the focus of this article. A major key to corrective...

How to sustain your fitness and performance conditioning when gyms are closed It sucks to have to modify workouts, whether because of injury or because your gym is closed due to COV-19. That said, you can get a great workout with bodyweight exercises.  Adding mobility with bands,...

By Dr. Matt Fontaine   "If your overhead squat is full and looks really athletic, odds are that you have several things going for you, meaning good mobility of the ankles, hips and upper back and an exceptionally strong and stable core." - Dr. Matt Fontaine Why...

Repetitive Motion Injuries (RMI, also known as RSI, CTD, CTS) have become a pandemic in sports, especially for endurance athletes like runners and triathletes.  This class of injuries and illnesses are the result from weeks, months or years of overuse of joints. Connective tissues in...

This blog is excerpted from an article by Dr. David Seaman published in the Fall 2013 issue of the Virginia Voice, a publication of the Unified Virginia Chiropractic Association A recent article published in the British Medical Journal states: “Now two thirds of...