May 2011

To be long off the tee, you need to be able to generate power through the hips.  This requires adequate mobility of the hips and upper back(thoracic spine).  The Joint by Joint Approach  details where our bodies should move and where our bodies need...

Much has been made of recently of VO2max and Lactate Threshold as it pertains to athletic and human performance, particularly in endurance sports such as cycling, triathlon, and marathon. VO2 is simply a measure of the amount of oxygen the body can deliver to...

By Dr. Matt Fontaine This is another article in the series on Secrets to Resolving Muscle and Joint Pain Syndromes.  This one focuses on the proper sequence for implementing rehab exercises and the rational behind it.  The main premise is that rehab is often...

The following was put forth by Dr. Vladimir Janda, whose work in the field of physical medicine and rehabilitation(PM & R) was ahead of his time.  Much of his work is very applicable today in the field of PM & R. ...

Muscle Pain and Statin Drugs by Dr. Matt Fontaine Even though commercials for statins like artovastatin(Lipitor), fluvastatin(Lescol),  lovastatin(Mevacor), pravastatin(Pravachol), prosuvastatin(Crestor) and simvastatin(Zocor) state that rare but serious side effects may occur including muscle damage(rhabdomyolysis) , the truth is that these drugs often cause muscle...

Carol Marleigh Kline, JACA Online editor Fascial Manipulation, Part II J Amer Chiropr Assoc 2011 April;48(3):2-5 Abstract: In Part II, Warren Hammer, DC, provides further insights into what makes fascia, the body’s most malleable tissue, a uniquely important focus...