January 2011

Female Athlete Triad Author: Laura M Gottschlich, DO, Assistant Professor of Family and Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin; Consulting Staff, St. Joseph Family Medicine Residency Program Coauthor(s): Craig C Young, MD, Professor, Departments of Orthopedic Surgery and Community and Family Medicine, Medical Director...

The Pathology & Healing of Tendinosis By Warren Hammer, MS, DC, DABCO This article was origionally published in Dynamic Chiropractic in the April 22, 2002  Vol. 20, Issue 9 Tendonitis is a misnomer. With microtraumatic overuse injury, we are dealing most of the time with tendinosis....

by Dr. Matt Fontaine There is so much misinformation out there concerning health and fitness, especially when it comes to strength training.  One must look to the experts and seek their guidance on what are the current best practices in any given field.  One...

The following is a synopsis of a Research Review by Dan Murphy, D.C. which was published in The American Chiropractor, Volume 33, Number 1, January 2011 The article below was reviewed J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1947 Apr;29(2):461-75. Anatomicophysiological aspects of injuries to...

The following two articles by Christie Downing were posted on http://www.mikereinold.com/  These two articles provide a great overview of McKenzie method commonly used in physical medicine and rehabilitation. Part I- Clearing Misconceptions About MDT Part II-Syndrome Classification and Treatment...

By Matt Fontaine, D.C. Most people recognize that they have poor posture, or at least that they could use some improvement to their posture.  But just how much of an impact does posture have on us?  The answer is that over time, poor posture can...

 In this blog article, Craig Liebenson, DC really spells out the basics for so many of the repetitive postural issues people face today.  From poor strength training(choosing exercises that reinforce bad posture) to highlighting some of the top experts in the field of neurology, physical...

The Top Keys of Running  Biomechanics Six time Ironman Champion Dave Scott lists several keys to proper running form.  They are as follows: Head looking straight forward Shoulders relaxed and low, arms should swing from the shoulders Elbow flexion of 80-90...