April 2011

Physicians need reliable terms that describe normal and pathological conditions of lumbar discs.  Terms that can be interpreted accurately, consistently, and with reliable precision are particularly important for communicating impressions gained from imaging  for clinical diagnostic and therapeutic decision making.  The following paper...

By Dr. Matt Fontaine This is the first in a series of articles that will detail a new paradigm in dealing with musculoskeletal injuries.  The first of which will deal with assessing human movement, and highlight the Functional Movement Screen™ and the Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA),...

Dr. Scott Mair and colleagues at the University of Kentucky conducted research into what throwing really does to young arms and shoulders. To evaluate these adaptive changes, the study followed 32 male baseball players between 13 and 21 years of age for six years to...

The following article was written by Holly J Benjamin, MD, FACSM, FAAP and Igor Boyarsky, DO, was published on medscape on Jan 5, 2009 and is listed here as a reference detailing Little League Elbow....

If your not familiar with orthopedic medicine and Birmingham Alabama, you likelly have heard of many famous professional athletes on ESPN who have been treated there by Dr. James Andrews, one of the leading experts in orthopedic sports medicine.  This study out of Birmingham bears his...

By Dr. Matt Fontaine Are vitamins necessary for athletes, particularly endurance athletes?  Research shows that endurance athletes endure significantly higher levels of oxidative stress due to the intense, long high volume of training they perform.  Supplements like Vitamin E(400-800 IU/day) and Vitamin C(500 -1000...

MUSCLE CRAMPS [caption id="attachment_205" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Muscle cramps"][/caption] Most commonly these occur at night and affect the legs, especially the calf muscles, and the feet.  These kinds of cramps occur more frequently in elderly people.   PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE CRAMPS  In a...