Endurance Sports Performance

UNDERSTANDING MUSCLE CRAMPS   MUSCLE CRAMPS Most commonly occur at night and affect the legs, especially the thighs, calf muscles, and feet. These kinds of cramps occur more frequently in older adults. PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE CRAMPS By far the most common causes of muscle cramping are dehydration and...

Get to Know Your Body   Athletes know their bodies well.  Whether you are a runner, triathlete, CrossFit athlete, mixed martial arts fighter or combatives/tactical athlete, these tips are for you.   The biggest single key to completing a major athletic event like a marathon or full Ironman half...

WHY YOU SHOULDN’T ALWAYS STRETCH? “After an injury tissues heal, but muscles learn, they readily develop habits of guarding that outlast the injury” Janet Travell Have you ever had a muscle group that was perpetually tight and despite all your efforts at stretching, they  remain stiff?  Muscles...

The Right Approach to Treatment Implemented at the Right Time makes all the difference…   The Triad above depicts the three essential components to optimal health: Structural, Chemical, Emotional. Structure refers to our musculoskeletal system and will be the focus of this article. A major key to corrective...

How to sustain your fitness and performance conditioning when gyms are closed It sucks to have to modify workouts, whether because of injury or because your gym is closed due to COV-19. That said, you can get a great workout with bodyweight exercises.  Adding mobility with bands,...

By Dr. Matt Fontaine   Does your head ache after workouts? Sports related headache Headache following exertion has been documented to have been described by Hippocrates1. Mainstream medicine often classifies headaches as either migraine or tension type headache. But the evidence based research does bot necessarily...

The following is taken from an article on Mercola.com http://fitness.mercola.com/sites/fitness/archive/2014/11/07/10-ways-stress-affects-workouts.aspx?e_cid=20141107Z1_DNL_art_1&utm_source=dnl&utm_medium=email&utm_content=art1&utm_campaign=20141107Z1&et_cid=DM59456&et_rid=720474903   1.  Stress impairs your memory.  It slows down your processing.  This stress can slow you down mentally and physically, causing fatigue. 2.  Stress affects concentration.   High stress can negatively impact cognition, perception, and focus. 3.  Stress impairs...

By Dr. Matt Fontaine In countries where people spend a great deal of time squatting on their heels with their feet flat, there is a much lower incidence of low back pain and degenerative disc disease.  The squatting posture separates the interspinous space between...

by Dr. Matt Fontaine   What should you track and why? Triathletes love to track stats, like WATTS to measure power output on the bike, Heart Rate (HR), what HR zone you are training at ( zone 1- zone 5), LT, VO2Max. These...

by Dr. Matt Fontaine I decided to opt in to package my own bike. Thanks to a good friend who travels with his bike for races such as RAM I was in luck. He graciously lent me his bike case from TriAll3Sports. I was...