08 Nov 10 Ways Stress is Sabotaging Your Workout
The following is taken from an article on Mercola.com http://fitness.mercola.com/sites/fitness/archive/2014/11/07/10-ways-stress-affects-workouts.aspx?e_cid=20141107Z1_DNL_art_1&utm_source=dnl&utm_medium=email&utm_content=art1&utm_campaign=20141107Z1&et_cid=DM59456&et_rid=720474903
1. Stress impairs your memory. It slows down your processing. This stress can slow you down mentally and physically, causing fatigue.
2. Stress affects concentration. High stress can negatively impact cognition, perception, and focus.
3. Stress impairs motor control. Stress can interfere with information processing in your cerebellum, an area of your brain that assists in coordinating movement.
4. Stress can lower visual acuity. Elevated cortisol can affect brain function, thus how your brain processes things the eyes see. The eyes are really a continuation of the brain. When stressed, the pupils dilate and muscles tighten which can lead to eye strain and headaches.
5. Stress can hold off fitness gains. Research has shown stress can decrease your VO2 max, thus negatively effecting how well your body can utilize oxygen during exercise.
6. Stress slows exercise recovery. Research attributes this to higher levels of cortisol and other stress hormones. High cortisol levels can lead to adrenal fatigue and can decrease the body’s ability to repair tissue damage, including post workout micro-trauma to muscle tissue. Our body knows how to repair damage, fight infection, and retard aging. But when stressed, our body’s repair mechanisms don’t work as well.
7. Stress raises your risk of injury. Stress can cause anxiety and a decrease in mental focus and increase muscular tension, which can lead to injury during activity.
8. Stress seriously impedes weight loss. When your cortisol levels are high, your body stores more energy as fat.
9. Stress kills motivation. Being stressed can decrease motivation and drive to exercise, which is not good because exercise is known to naturally reduce stress and anxiety.
10. Stress depletes emotional resources. Research has actually shown stress can reduce the size of your brain’s gray matter, the supercomputer processing area of the brain.
Other risks associated with high stress levels include: Increased risk of cardiovascular disease Frequent colds and flu Insomnia and fatigue Slower metabolism and weight gain Type 2 diabetes Sexual dysfunction and infertility Depression and anxiety Autoimmune problems Increased risk of cancer Neurological diseases Food allergies and sensitivities Digestive problems and dysbiosis The big take home. When stressed, make sure your diet is good and get plenty of quality sleep. A deload week in which you drastically reduce the volume of training you do can help get your body’s engine back to neutral. Buy 40 mg today for up to 59% off retail cost at your pharmacy with PS Card. dapoxetine romania dapoxetine malaysia cost of phenergan buy phenergan cheap