Utilize Your Strong Discipline to Your Advantage

Utilize Your Strong Discipline to Your Advantage

By Dr. Matt Fontaine

IM Florida

IM Florida

It is important to know your strengths as well as your weakness.  All athletes will have both, but some will have strengths that gravitate towards a certain discipline in a multisport like Triathlon.  For me my strength comes from a background as a competitive swimmer. That allowed me to get by with only two swim sessions per week and allotted more time on the bike. Get to know where your strengths are. That will free up more time to train in your weaker sport. If you have a strength, you can train to exploit that or… dial back on the training for that discipline in order to focus on a weaker link. That said, NEVER sacrifice a strong discipline by under training. Knowing your body and what level of training you can do to maintain your strongest discipline is key.