Strength Training Tips for the Triathlete

Strength Training Tips for the Triathlete

I feel that picking a day a week to do some strength training would be best. Core should be done 3-4 days a week, RECOVERY/ REGEN daily if appropriate: foam roller/mobility. So I thought I would take you through the following: Mobility Warm up: Band assisted ankle and hip stretches Bear crawl, hand walk outs/ Burpees ( I will teach you the proper way so as not to hurt your lower back) Burpees can be used as a warm up for METCON (metabolic conditioning) or as a total body strength move. Erg Row Strength Circuit: Cleans Deadlifts KB swings Body Squats We will go over “neutral spine set up” and proper form. These are great for power and total body strength. You don’t have a lot of time to be in the gym because of all the road work and pool time, so multi-joint movements that generate power are key. Pushup- can be done with hands elevated to make easier if upper body strength is lacking. Pullup-band assisted if need be TGU Turkish Get Up- great total body works shoulder stability, core, and hip extension SLS-Single Leg Squat Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat SB Leg Curl Core: SB Rollout TRX Rollout Plank Progressions Side Plank Progressions Gluteal Bridging/ SL Gluteal Bridge Landmine Antirotation Quadrupped Chin Tucks The Top 10 Corrective Exercises Triathletes Should Do Every Day Read about the Joint by Joint Approach here