prehab for performance Tag

Strength coach Michael Boyle and Physical Therapist Gray Cook have written about the Joint by Joint Approach. There are principles of human movement dictated by biomechanics of the joints.  All joints need full range of motion, and at the same time they require stability from surrounding...

A Half Ironman (or Half Iron-distance) Triathlon consists of a 1.2 mile swim, a 56 mile bike ride, finished off with a 13.1 mile run.  Double that for  the Full IM.  These distances require a great deal of conditioning, time and training. What conditioning...

A coaching program is essential. Even if you use it only as a guide, it is helpful to have a structured plan to go off of. You can then tailor it based on your needs, the need for rest time, the need to work around...

Regular use of the foam roller is a great way to loosen tight restricted soft tissues and is a critical tool for daily use to develop better movement. How to Use a Foam Roller...

 By Dr. Matt Fontaine When soft tissues are stressed beyond their biomechanical yield strength (for example when a tendon is stretched more than 4% of it’s resting length), microtearing must occur.  The normal response of microtearing of muscle, fascia, collagen etc. is inflammation.  If the...

Physicians need reliable terms that describe normal and pathological conditions of lumbar discs.  Terms that can be interpreted accurately, consistently, and with reliable precision are particularly important for communicating impressions gained from imaging  for clinical diagnostic and therapeutic decision making.  The following paper...

Soft Tissue Sports Injuries:  The ART of Non-Invasive Treatment The Concurrent Application of Active Release Techniques® in the Present  Paradigm of Sports Injury Rehabilitation MATT FONTAINE, D.C. All Athletes and Weekend Warriors Have One Thing In Common… Soft Tissue Injuries to muscles, tendons, ligaments, and...