functional movement screen Tag

by Dr. Matt Fontaine There is so much misinformation out there concerning health and fitness, especially when it comes to strength training.  One must look to the experts and seek their guidance on what are the current best practices in any given field.  One...

The Joint By Joint Approach A New Paradigm in Strength Training and Functional Rehabilitation The following is based heavily on the views of Gray Cook, Michael Boyle, Shirley Sahrmann and others.  Gray Cook and Mike Boyle have certainly been instrumental in educating strength...

Soft Tissue Sports Injuries:  The ART of Non-Invasive Treatment The Concurrent Application of Active Release Techniques® in the Present  Paradigm of Sports Injury Rehabilitation MATT FONTAINE, D.C. All Athletes and Weekend Warriors Have One Thing In Common… Soft Tissue Injuries to muscles, tendons, ligaments, and...