Dr. Matt Fontaine Tag

In the age of information, patients need to learn to leverage the readily available scores of internet articles in order to have a better dialogue with their doctor. In the age of WebMD and Google, the average American has more and faster access to medical and...

by DR MATT FONTAINE This blog details what we covered in the first session of a 4 week clinic series hosted at Trident CrossFit. In this 4 Part clinic series we will cover the CORE, LOW BACK & HIPS, SHOULDER, AND FOOT & ANKLE. Let's start our discussion...

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtcBY465DNI[/embed] MFL Podcast 93: Dr. Matt Fontaine on the easiest ways to prevent injury & optimize performance - YouTube Dr. Matt Fontaine on Muscle For Life Podcast: Learn the easiest ways to prevent injury and optimize performance in this podcast with Mike Mathews In this podcast I interview with...

What is a mobility practice?  And why is it important for every human to have a consistent mobility practice?  You will want to read til the end where I share some great hip mobility videos with you. "The biggest pattern of movement dysfunction we see in...

By Dr. Matt Fontaine Director at Potomac Physical Medicine [caption id="attachment_330" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Hit the New Year Running[/caption] With the holiday season in full swing and the New Year fast approaching, I wanted to start a discussion on the best practices for becoming a better human in the coming year.  This article...

Dr. Google & Self Diagnosis: "Googling your symptoms is the fastest way to convincing yourself you are sicker than you really are.  It can be downright overwhelming."  -Dr. Matt Fontaine Are you putting your health at risk? In the age of WebMD, anyone can simply type symptoms into...

The following are some topics that frequently come up in our clinic. A quick note on over the phone consults or email inquiries We live in a world controlled by technology and people want their information faster.  Email and social media play a big role in...

ACTIVE RELEASE TECHNIQUE Active Release Techniques® (ART) is one of the fastest growing treatment methods in sports rehab and physical medicine practices today.  With the ability to treat injuries quickly and effectively, athletes all over the world have incorporated ART into their training regimens. "All Athletes and...

A common injury for endurance athletes is "Achilles tendonitis".  Runner's and Triathletes are frequently affected.  To be fair, for most of these athletes this is an umbrella term that does not accurately describe the actual structures involved.  In most cases, it really isn't a tendonitis...