Athletic Performance Training

By Dr. Matt Fontaine   Does your head ache after workouts? Sports related headache Headache following exertion has been documented to have been described by Hippocrates1. Mainstream medicine often classifies headaches as either migraine or tension type headache. But the evidence based research does bot necessarily...

Most of us lead hectic schedules day to day.  We often rush into workouts in the interest of saving time.  Triathletes are often quick to push off warm ups, especially on their runs.  They can ease in and warm up on a bike and most...

By Dr. Matt Fontaine   "If your overhead squat is full and looks really athletic, odds are that you have several things going for you, meaning good mobility of the ankles, hips and upper back and an exceptionally strong and stable core." - Dr. Matt Fontaine Why...

The following is taken from an article on   1.  Stress impairs your memory.  It slows down your processing.  This stress can slow you down mentally and physically, causing fatigue. 2.  Stress affects concentration.   High stress can negatively impact cognition, perception, and focus. 3.  Stress impairs...

Repetitive Motion Injuries (RMI, also known as RSI, CTD, CTS) have become a pandemic in sports, especially for endurance athletes like runners and triathletes.  This class of injuries and illnesses are the result from weeks, months or years of overuse of joints. Connective tissues in...

By Dr. Matt Fontaine   If parents can learn about the inherent risks of trauma to the head and neck, particularly in contact sports, and preventative measures, they can decrease the likelihood of head and neck trauma. This information originated from...

By Dr. Matt Fontaine In countries where people spend a great deal of time squatting on their heels with their feet flat, there is a much lower incidence of low back pain and degenerative disc disease.  The squatting posture separates the interspinous space between...

For decades many people have been on the long slow ride to nowhere.  Long hours of running on the treadmill or outdoors, long sessions on elliptical trainers, stationary bikes, cycling outdoors.  For many, these "cardio" sessions are a staple of their exercise regimen.  Many people...

Tips on dealing with migrating pain during return to activity There are some key points to keep in mind when an athlete returns to sport after an injury.  Consider the scenario of the runner returning to sport completing a treatment program for a shin...

So what's all the fad about? Well compression socks do help improve blood flow and imrove lymph drainage from the lower leg. This is especially important for injury recovery from any soft tissue injuries to the lower leg. The goal is to...