Learn How to Use a Foam Roller
Regular use of the foam roller is a great way to loosen tight restricted soft tissues and is a critical tool for daily use to develop better movement. How to Use a Foam Roller...
Regular use of the foam roller is a great way to loosen tight restricted soft tissues and is a critical tool for daily use to develop better movement. How to Use a Foam Roller...
What to Expect, How to Treat, and How to Prevent Runner's Knee, Achilles Tendonitis and Swimmer’s Shoulder By Matt Fontaine, D.C., ART Our body is composed of a series of structural kinetic chains, whereas dysfunction or imbalance in one area can quickly lead to...
Simple Guidelines for Post Race Ice Bath How and Why it Works The ice bath is great for recovery of microtrauma, small tears to the soft tissues that occur from training and overexertion. The ice bath causes constriction of blood...
A blog series on the journey from short distance triathlon to IM 70.3 This is the first in a short series on triathlon training and competition. My goal here is to just share my experiences with starting out in the sport of Triathlon and some...
[caption id="attachment_555" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Lake Winnie[/caption] A Half Ironman (or Half Iron-distance) Triathlon consists of a 1.2 mile swim, a 56 mile bike ride, finished off with a 13.1 mile run. This is a short introduction article in a series on triathlon training...
Hi, this is Dr. Fontaine. I will be on sabbatical from practice for the next several months in order to rehab a shoulder injury and to launch my book, Only One Body. For all existing patients as well as new patients, I am recommending my colleague, Dr. Todd Sullivan. You will be in very good hands.
His office contact information is:
Dr. Todd P. Sullivan DC
5288 Lyngate Ct.
Burke, VA 22015
Schedule an appointment with Dr. Sullivan
Dr. Matt Fontaine’s Only One Body is a stark wake-up call: We are entrusted with ‘Only One Body,’ a truth too often forgotten. Emphasizing the need to understand and cherish this singular gift, he brings his extensive training from the prestigious Texas Back Institute and credentials from the American College of Sports Medicine to the fore. With a rich history both as a collegiate baseball player and a physician, he uniquely bridges the worlds of sports and health in a highly relatable way. Dr. Fontaine’s impressive tenure includes working with two Major League Baseball Clubs. Outside the clinic, he’s a dedicated triathlete, firefighter, and EMT. Navigating a challenging healthcare system, Dr. Fontaine equips us with the guidance and permission to self-advocate. His seminal book provides the roadmap to ensure our bodies and minds perform at their best, a testament to his commitment to holistic well-being.
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