pathology and healing of tendinosis Tag

by Dr. Matt Fontaine, CEO/ Clinic Director for Potomac Chiropractic & Sports Medicine Perfect Synergy for Diagnosing and Resolving Muscle and Joint Pain Syndromes  In the series I  detail the secret to resolving muscle and joint pain syndromes.  What makes a "sports Chiropractor" different from other...

 By Dr. Matt Fontaine When soft tissues are stressed beyond their biomechanical yield strength (for example when a tendon is stretched more than 4% of it’s resting length), microtearing must occur.  The normal response of microtearing of muscle, fascia, collagen etc. is inflammation.  If the...

The Pathology & Healing of Tendinosis By Warren Hammer, MS, DC, DABCO This article was origionally published in Dynamic Chiropractic in the April 22, 2002  Vol. 20, Issue 9 Tendonitis is a misnomer. With microtraumatic overuse injury, we are dealing most of the time with tendinosis....