international fascia research congress Tag

What is a mobility practice?  And why is it important for every human to have a consistent mobility practice?  You will want to read til the end where I share some great hip mobility videos with you. "The biggest pattern of movement dysfunction we see in...

ACTIVE RELEASE TECHNIQUE Active Release Techniques® (ART) is one of the fastest growing treatment methods in sports rehab and physical medicine practices today.  With the ability to treat injuries quickly and effectively, athletes all over the world have incorporated ART into their training regimens. "All Athletes and...

Soft Tissue Sports Injuries:  The ART of Non-Invasive Treatment The Concurrent Application of Active Release Techniques® in the Present  Paradigm of Sports Injury Rehabilitation MATT FONTAINE, D.C. All Athletes and Weekend Warriors Have One Thing In Common… Soft Tissue Injuries to muscles, tendons, ligaments, and...