Research Articles

This new study from Hospital for Special Surgery has shown a link between patients with groin and/or lower abdominal groin strain, commonly referred to as "sports hernia" and femoral acetabular impingement(FAI).  There are two types of FAI, CAM and pincher types.  CAM refers to an aspherical femoral...

Chaitow's Chat  on Explosion of Fascia Research It is critical to understand that fascia is what gives our soft tissues structural support.   We now know that there exists a state of structural and functional continuity between all of the body’s hard and soft...

by Dr. Matt Fontaine Hiatal hernia is a condition where a part of your stomach pushes up and out of the esophageal hiatus in your diaphragm.  This can allow food and acid to reflux up into your esophagus and result on GERD, commonly referred...

The following comments were triggered by a recent blog by Dr. Leon Chaitow.  In it he sites some very interesting new research helping to explain what may be occurring during manipulation of spinal joints.  Read his blog below: Does HVLA Manipulation  Break Adhesions in...