Peak 8 Exercises Effectively Increases Human Growth Hormone Production

Peak 8 Exercises Effectively Increases Human Growth Hormone Production

Research and American Heart Association and American College of Sports Medicine advocates “sprint cardio” anaerobic training to stimulate your body’s fast twitch muscle fibers.  This workout will cause a natural spike in human growth hormone production, helping your body grow stronger and recovery better from exercise and sport.  It is important to note that many people who exercise workout incorrectly.  They often do too little strength training and do much too much long, low and slow cardio which only trains the body’s slow twitch muscle fibers. Sprint cardio at high intensity and high intensity strength training are great ways to stimulate the body’s metabolism for 12-36 hours after a workout.  That means that the work you do during exercise will cause your body to burn calories, including fat, for many hours after the workout.  It is important to note that you should not ingest any sugar for two hours after doing “sprint cardio” as this will cause the body to produce somatostatin, a hormone that will suppress growth hormone release. Follow this link to to read more about Peak 8 training including a two part video demonstration of how to perform this amazing workout. Peak 8